Southeast Arizona Winery Events Open To Everyone

Southeast Arizona winery events are held at a variety of locations but always showcase the vintners product.
Southeast Arizona winery events are numerous. There are in excess of 20 wineries located in this part of Arizona. Many of the wineries have wine clubs with varying membership levels. These clubs give the members free wine tastings, discounts and sometimes offer special member only events. The stipulation for being a member is that you purchase a certain amount of wine during the year. Other wineries only ask for email addresses. This allows the wineries to send out newsletters or invitations to special events. There are many opportunities for the wine aficionado to take advantage of and attend a winery event.

Attendees to the Carlson Creek Southern Arizona Winery Event were greeted by L to R Robert Carlson, Rod Kass, chef and owner of Cafe Roka, and a member of the Mexican Consulate.
One example is when Angie and I were invited to a Southeast Arizona winery event that was hosted by Carlson Creek Vintners. We didn’t want to miss this event. It was being held at one of our favorite restaurants in Cochise County, Café Roka. Chef Rod has a wonderful restaurant in Bisbee and we send our guests there on a regular basis. Robert from Carlson Creek was providing the wine for the dinner and worked with Chef Rod to pair one of his wines with each course. I have been to other events similar to this and thought that the venue and the winery would be a good fit.
Since we had no guests at the b and b that night, we made plans to attend. Bisbee is a fun place to visit. You can do a little antique shopping but the dining is also wonderful. Bisbee is home to some really great restaurants. We went early to wander through some of our favorite shops. When we finally arrived at Café Roka, we were given a special menu. To view the menu click on this link. We were shown to the bar and received a glass of wine to accompany the first course. We then looked around and chose a table.
You can sit by yourselves, however I have always had more fun at a table with other people that you don’t know. You all have the same interests, wine and food, so why not enjoy talking about it with strangers. Who knows, they may become future guests. The table we chose was actually very interesting. We were sitting with people from Tucson who enjoy Café Roka and the wines here in Southeast Arizona. There was also a couple from Bisbee, the Warren area, but the surprise was that Robert’s parents were also seated at the table. During the dinner, they shared some anecdotes on things Robert was talking about.

The one course of Gordita with Roasted Pork over chili colorado with queso fresco went well with the Merlot.
The menu had 8 courses and each dish had a different wine that really complemented the dish. After nearly two hours we finished up a wonderful evening and a great event. We felt that the price we paid was an excellent value. The wines were excellent, the food was fabulous. In addition, the conversation was captivating. So when you visit the tasting rooms here in our little corner of Arizona, sign up for the newsletters and get on the mailing lists. You just might have the chance to participate in one of the Southeast Arizona winery events.
Mike and Angie are owners of Down By The River B and B located in St. David, Arizona.