Bluegrass In The Park

What are you doing on the 29th of April through the 1st of May? Well if you are anywhere in southeastern Arizona and anywhere near Benson, AZ you will have the opportunity to listen to some of the best music around. The Benson Event that I am talking about is the featuring a lot fine award winning musicians. The show runs Friday through Sunday from late morning until 5 PM each day. Tickets are $12 for a day pass and $25 for the 3 days, with children 13 and under free and 14 to 18 pay half price. That is a great deal for the family. Click here for the venue and times.

When we opened Down By The River B and B 6 years ago, we went to the first Bluegrass Festival and have taken time, when we could, to go and see some of the acts. It has always been a great place to sit and listen to Bluegrass music. There are some bands this year that we haven’t heard before and so we are looking forward to going and see the show. Unfortunately for us we haven’t been to every show because of prior commitments here at the b and b but we have always enjoyed the shows when we did go. Bring a chair and enjoy the family atmosphere that you get in a place like Benson.

And if you wish to stay at the only B and B in the area, give us a call or go to our website and check us out. We have rooms available for that weekend at our romantic Southeastern Arizona BnB here in St. David. We are just a few miles from the venue if you want more information we will be happy to try to help you out.

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