Southeast Arizona B and B Anniversary – 10 Years of Memories

The Ribbon Cutting at Down By The River B and B by the Chamber of Commerce and The Red Hat Ladies of Benson happened 10 years ago.
Our Southeast Arizona b and b anniversary is the 21st of February. On that day 10 years ago, Barb and I moved to St. David and took possession of the building that would become Down By The River B and B. After almost 3 years working on the design and purchasing the furniture and décor, we were able to realize our dream. During those 3 years, we endured our work day with the knowledge that we would be headed to a better situation. We keep things secret at our jobs during that time. After the 14 months of construction, we finally move lock, stock and barrel to Saint David. We had vaulted a few hurdles after we decided to change our lives. The process was a little bumpy but no more than could be expected by such a big change.
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