A Place To Stay On The San Pedro River

Birders are always looking for a place to stay on the San Pedro River during the peak migration times.

Northern Flicker Pidture

The Norther Flicker can be found at the Birding hotspot on the San Pedro River

Down By The River B and B is the place to stay on the San Pedro River. Located at the northern end of The San Pedro River National Conservation Area, the b and b is the only lodging facility that can be found at this end of the NCA.  The 57,000 acres of public land spans from the Mexican border to the southern end of St. David, Arizona. Down By The River  is also centrally located so other birding areas are within a short driving distance.

Crissal Thrasher

The Crissal Thrasher can be found along the San Pedro River and was located at Down By The River in February of 2014.

The BLM manages this Important Birding Area (IBA) which is entirely located in Cochise County, Arizona. The NCA was set aside by Congress on November 18, 1988 and is one of the four major north – south migratory corridors used by birds. The San Pedro River is the last free flowing river located in Arizona. Birders are drawn to a place to stay on the San Pedro River since the birding activity is around the river. The river behind Down By The River B and B is flowing above ground continuously most years. With the recent drought the river may go underground in late June until the Monsoons begin in early July.

The San Pedro River is a source of food and water for a variety of wildlife. Approximately 80 species of mammals live along the river along with 14 species of fish, 40 or more species of reptiles and amphibians and over 100 birds that reside in this part of Cochise County year round. Over 250 species of birds use the corridor as their migratory path to the breeding sites in the north and the wintering sites in the south. Down By The River is a perfect place to stay on the San Pedro River while viewing the wildlife.

Mule deer are frequent visitors to Down By The River.

Mule deer are frequent visitors to Down By The River.

The property is frequented by mule deer, javelina, coatimundi, raccoon, bobcat and other animals during the year. Sonoran Toads leave the burrows during the monsoons and can be found all over the property. Their croaking signals the arrival of the monsoon rains. Look at the bird list on our website to find all the birds that have been seen in the small area that surrounds the b and b. The density of birds along the river during migration can reach 40 per acre. With 15 acres at the b and b, there is little doubt that you will find this a great place to stay on the San Pedro River. Being secluded gives the advantage to birders because there aren’t large crowds disturbing your viewing. The area around the b and b is home to grey hawks and is a confirmed nesting area for Mississippi Kites.

B&B San Pedro Birding Picture

Sometimes you need to shoot a picture through a window. The shot isn’t going to be perfect but it can be made.

To learn more about the IBA and the migratory birds you may find here, check out this website.  Down By the River lodging hum has been the best place to stay on the San Pedro River for birders since it opened in 2005. The migration is going to be happening soon. March and April will be the peak months so don’t miss your chance to fill in your life list. Check out what we have to offer and explore the river as you look for the wildlife that inhabit it. Check for availability here.

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