Archive for the ‘Nature’ Category

Star Watching In The San Pedro Valley

October 2nd, 2010 by Mike Hug

When there is no full moon, Cochise County Arizona is well known for the dark skies that are available for stargazing. Southeastern Arizona has many large telescopes that are located in and around Tucson. Kit Peak and Mount Graham are two locations that are operated by the University of Arizona and others. Many areas of southeastern Arizona have light ordinances to limit the potential of light pollution and so glare from lights is minor. This enhances the viewing opportunities for both the amateur and professional astronomers.

For amateur astronomers, Cochise County is a good place to start viewing the night sky with just the naked eye.

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Lightning Strikes During A Monsoon

August 3rd, 2010 by Mike Hug

Southeastern Arizona is noted for the monsoons that occur during July and August. Here at Down By The River B and B there is a lot of monsoon activity and with that rainfall and thunderstorms the lightning strikes can be incredible to watch. Some even hit so close to us that you see the bright flash at the same time that you hear the thunder. You don’t even have time to say anything and your overpowered by the noise of the thunder and the reverberation that happens afterwards.

I recently had a guest here for the second year in a row and he enjoys taking photographs of the storms in this area and other locations in Arizona. While he was here this time he was filming when the lightning struck a tree in the river.

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Monsoon Season In Southeastern Arizona

July 4th, 2010 by Mike Hug

July brings the monsoons to Southeastern Arizona after the heat up in southwestern and central Arizona. The rains come in down pours and the desert turns green with new growth unlike the central and western part of the state. The temperatures moderate with the storms and it isn’t unusual to be able to sit outside and enjoy a meal or snack while watching the show with temperatures in the 8Os, at least 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix.

Southeastern Arizona is at a higher elevation,

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