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April 18th, 2011 by Mike Hug

From the kitchen of Down By The River Bed and Breakfast for your enjoyment.
Down By The River B and B is located in St. David, AZ.

Tropical Smoothies Ready To Enjoy
We include in our breakfasts a little appetizer prior to the main course. We make many different types of smoothies that are delectable and refreshing. It is a good start at getting your taste buds awake prior to sitting down to enjoy your gourmet breakfast.
Bon Apitito!
Mike’s Polynesian Fruit Smoothie
1- 8 oz container Vanilla yogurt
2 cups Frozen mixed tropical fruit (Festival Fruit from Costco)*
1 – 12 oz can Mango Juice
1 – 12 oz can Guava Juice
1 tsp Coconut Snow ™ (powdered coconut)
1 Frozen Banana
1 Large Kiwi sliced and peeled
*This requires a heavy duty blender if you use the frozen fruit otherwise defrost the fruit prior to blending.
In a blender place all the contents and blend until all the fruit is chopped up into a fine blend.
Cut kiwi into slices and peel, partially bisect the fruit slice.
Pour into 8 oz glasses and garnish with kiwi fruit slice on the rim. – serves 6
Tags: Down By The River recipe, Fruit Smoothies, Romantic BnB
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April 11th, 2011 by Mike Hug
What are you doing on the 29th of April through the 1st of May? Well if you are anywhere in southeastern Arizona and anywhere near Benson, AZ you will have the opportunity to listen to some of the best music around. The Benson Event that I am talking about is the featuring a lot fine award winning musicians. The show runs Friday through Sunday
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Tags: bluegrass festival, down, Down By The River
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March 27th, 2011 by Mike Hug
– Steve Harrington –

Steve Harrington
We have had some wonderful and fascinating people who have visited Down By The River B and B. One guest who was recently here was Steve Harrington with his new bride, Annee. Steve hails from the White Mountains here in Arizona. He is a member of the Mountain Saddle Band along with Steve Taylor and Rusty Weiss. They are members of the Western Music Association and their specialty is cowboy music, which includes ballads and gospel, interspersed with storytelling and cowboy poetry. Cowboy music, often mistaken for country music, is what has been sung by the likes of Rex Allen, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and Marty Robbins, to name a few.
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Tags: B and B honeymoon, cowboy music, Romantic SE AZ b n b
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March 15th, 2011 by Mike Hug
When we started Down By The River B and B, we wanted to have a dish that was not something you would see in a restaurant menu. We wanted something that would make the guests remember our breakfast and talk about it to friends. So we came up with the idea of making soufflés.
“Soufflé” just the word brings fear to many cooks. Have you thought – “Oh that is just to hard for me to do.” or “Soufflés are so temperamental, I wouldn’t be able to get it right” or “I couldn’t ever do that I am not a chef.” These are just some of the things that have been told to me by guests after we have served the soufflé to them at Down By The River B and B’s breakfast. There are others that have asked us How do you make a soufflé and can I have the recipe?
Mike and Angie can both make the soufflé without any fear or trepidation. It is a simple process and really can flow like clockwork. The preparation of the ingredients is the key
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Tags: breakfast Down By The River, Down By The River recipe, souffle
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February 10th, 2011 by Mike Hug
Directions to the Fort:
From Down By The River B and B, the access to Fort Bowie for most people is best accomplished by heading east on Interstate 10 and exiting in either Willcox or Bowie, Arizona.
From the town of Willcox, drive southeast for 20 miles on State Road #186 to the Fort Bowie turn off, then drive another eight miles on the unpaved road to the Fort Bowie Trailhead.
From the town of Bowie, take Apache Pass Road 13 miles south and then about 1 mile of unpaved road to the trailhead. There is access for handicap persons from a service road to the monument but you have to make prior arrangements to use this parking area.
History of the Fort:
The Government awarded the Butterfield Overland Mail Company a six year contract to deliver mail between St. Louis and San Francisco on September 16, 1857. The mail was delivered over the southern route and one of the stations along the route was located in Apache Pass near the site where Fort Bowie would be built.
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Tags: Apache Wars in AZ, Fort Bowie, Ft Bowie AZ, Hiking SE AZ, SE AZ Cavalry fort
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November 8th, 2010 by Mike Hug
Before I start talking about the trails, I would like to give you a little history of the Chiricahua National Monument. The Chiricahua National Monument is located in the eastern part of Cochise County, Arizona near the New Mexico border, south of I-10. The Monument is relatively unknown to many people in the U.S. and even in many parts of New Mexico and Arizona. It encompasses almost 12,000 acres, much of which is designated as wilderness area. You can enjoy looking at the large variety of plants, reptiles, birds and mammals that the Monument has to offer. This part of Arizona went through a violent past that began about 27 million years ago when the Turkey Creek Volcano erupted and spewed ash up to 2000 feet deep over an area of 1200 square miles. The ash particles melted together to form rhyolite, a grayish colored rock that is what makes up the Monument today. Over the preceding years, the land was pushed up and the rhyolite cracked thus allowing water and ice to enter, breaking the rocks apart. Today the area is dotted with rock formations such as spires, balance rocks and other shapes.
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Tags: Chircahuca National Monument, Chiricahua NM, Chiricahua pictures, Down By The River, Hiking, rock formation
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October 22nd, 2010 by Mike Hug
Hiking is great exercise and hiking in the Dragoon Mountains of Southeastern Arizona, where Cochise lived, is a great thing to experience. The beauty of the rugged mountains in this area east of Saint David, AZ is spectacular and there is a lot of history to be learned about the area. One hike is to the Council Rocks which is located in the San Pedro River Valley on the west side of the Dragoon Mountains. Your drive takes you to the west side of the Dragoons along a forest road that is rough in places but still can be handled by a normal car. Council Rocks has a natural amphitheater
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Tags: Dragoon Mountain Hike, Hiking SE AZ, Hiking southeastern Arizona, SE AZ b and b
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October 2nd, 2010 by Mike Hug
When there is no full moon, Cochise County Arizona is well known for the dark skies that are available for stargazing. Southeastern Arizona has many large telescopes that are located in and around Tucson. Kit Peak and Mount Graham are two locations that are operated by the University of Arizona and others. Many areas of southeastern Arizona have light ordinances to limit the potential of light pollution and so glare from lights is minor. This enhances the viewing opportunities for both the amateur and professional astronomers.
For amateur astronomers, Cochise County is a good place to start viewing the night sky with just the naked eye.
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Tags: Astronomer's Inn, Cochise County Star gazing, Down By The River, SE AZ observatory, Sky Watcher's Inn, Skywatcher's Inn, Star gazing
Posted in Nature | 2 Comments »
August 3rd, 2010 by Mike Hug
Southeastern Arizona is noted for the monsoons that occur during July and August. Here at Down By The River B and B there is a lot of monsoon activity and with that rainfall and thunderstorms the lightning strikes can be incredible to watch. Some even hit so close to us that you see the bright flash at the same time that you hear the thunder. You don’t even have time to say anything and your overpowered by the noise of the thunder and the reverberation that happens afterwards.
I recently had a guest here for the second year in a row and he enjoys taking photographs of the storms in this area and other locations in Arizona. While he was here this time he was filming when the lightning struck a tree in the river.
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Tags: AZ lightning photos, bnb SE AZ, lightning photos, lightning SE AZ, lightning strikes, Southeaster AZ monsoon
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July 14th, 2010 by Mike Hug
Many guests have asked us the history of the dining room table that is located at Down By The River B and B. It is a little drama all in itself actually. After Barb and I had decided to open a B and B, she went out shopping for items to put into the place. One thing she wanted was something that stood out and made a statement. Barb didn’t want anything that you could walk into any furniture store and find. It had to be different. One Saturday, as was her normal schedule, she went out scrounging yard sales in Phoenix and the surrounding areas and then off to antique stores
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Tags: BnB breakfast, Lodging, Romantic SE AZ b n b, SE AZ b and b, SE AZ b n b
Posted in Down By The River FAQ | 8 Comments »